This Australian documentary about the Pappas skateboarding brothers chronicles their rise to fame and fortune, and their fall from fame and fortune. The Pappas brothers were once one of the best skateboarders in the world, before drugs and mad-spending took their fame away from them.

This movie chronicles their lives from youngsters up until present day. Ben Pappas was the elder of the two brothers, and after leaving USA after being kicked out of a skateboarding group, he returns to Australia and gets convicted of having a small amount of cocaine in his shoe, the catalyst that causes him and his brothers downfall. Soon after Ben meets a woman who he then ends up doing lots of drugs with. Finally he ends up murdering this woman and subsequently commits suicide. Tas ends up returning to Australia not long after and after a mismatch of jail sentences for multiple things, finally settles down with a wife.

This was a great movie, one I would really recommend to sport and skateboarding fans. I would rate this movie a 9 out of 10.

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